Type Alias RunOptions<Input>

RunOptions<Input>: {
    abortSignal?: AbortSignal;
    input?: Input;
        | "get"
        | "post"
        | "put"
        | "delete"
        | string;

The function input and other configuration when running the function, such as the HTTP method to use.

Type Parameters

  • Input

Type declaration

  • Optional ReadonlyabortSignal?: AbortSignal

    The abort signal to cancel the request.

  • Optional Readonlyinput?: Input

    The function input. It will be submitted either as query params or the body payload, depending on the method.

  • Optional Readonlymethod?:
        | "get"
        | "post"
        | "put"
        | "delete"
        | string

    The HTTP method, defaults to post;