Fal Client
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abstract suspend fun <Output : Any> run(endpointId: String, input: Any, resultType: KClass<Output>, options: RunOptions = RunOptions()): RequestOutput<Output>
Sends a request to the given endpointId. This method is a direct request to the model API and it waits for the processing to complete before returning the result.
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inline suspend fun <Output : Any> FalClient.run(endpointId: String, input: Any, options: RunOptions = RunOptions()): RequestOutput<Output>
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abstract suspend fun <Output : Any> subscribe(endpointId: String, input: Any, resultType: KClass<Output>, options: SubscribeOptions = SubscribeOptions(), onQueueUpdate: OnStatusUpdate? = null): RequestOutput<Output>
Submits a request to the given endpointId. This method uses the queue API to submit the request and poll for the result.
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inline suspend fun <Output : Any> FalClient.subscribe(endpointId: String, input: Any, options: SubscribeOptions = SubscribeOptions(), noinline onUpdate: OnStatusUpdate? = null): RequestOutput<Output>