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All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Constant Field Values|Serialized Form


ai.fal.client - package ai.fal.client
ai.fal.client.exception - package ai.fal.client.exception
ai.fal.client.http - package ai.fal.client.http
ai.fal.client.queue - package ai.fal.client.queue
ai.fal.client.type - package ai.fal.client.type
ai.fal.client.util - package ai.fal.client.util
ApiOptions<O> - Interface in ai.fal.client


BaseStatusUpdate() - Constructor for class ai.fal.client.queue.QueueStatus.BaseStatusUpdate
build() - Method in class ai.fal.client.ClientConfig.Builder
build() - Method in class ai.fal.client.JsonInput
builder() - Static method in class ai.fal.client.ClientConfig
Builder() - Constructor for class ai.fal.client.ClientConfig.Builder


cancelUrl - Variable in class ai.fal.client.queue.QueueStatus.BaseStatusUpdate
ClientConfig - Class in ai.fal.client
ClientConfig() - Constructor for class ai.fal.client.ClientConfig
ClientConfig.Builder - Class in ai.fal.client
ClientProxyInterceptor - Class in ai.fal.client.http
ClientProxyInterceptor(ClientConfig) - Constructor for class ai.fal.client.http.ClientProxyInterceptor
Completed() - Constructor for class ai.fal.client.queue.QueueStatus.Completed
COMPLETED - Enum constant in enum class ai.fal.client.queue.QueueStatus.Status
CredentialsInterceptor - Class in ai.fal.client.http
CredentialsInterceptor(ClientConfig) - Constructor for class ai.fal.client.http.CredentialsInterceptor
CredentialsResolver - Interface in ai.fal.client


DEBUG - Enum constant in enum class ai.fal.client.type.RequestLog.Level


EndpointId - Class in ai.fal.client.util
EndpointId(String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class ai.fal.client.util.EndpointId
ERROR - Enum constant in enum class ai.fal.client.type.RequestLog.Level
executeRequest(Request) - Method in class ai.fal.client.http.HttpClient
executeRequestAsync(Request) - Method in class ai.fal.client.http.HttpClient


FalClient - Interface in ai.fal.client
The main client interface for interacting with the FAL APIs.
FalClientImpl - Class in ai.fal.client
FalException - Exception Class in ai.fal.client.exception
FalException(String, String) - Constructor for exception class ai.fal.client.exception.FalException
FalException(String, Throwable, String) - Constructor for exception class ai.fal.client.exception.FalException
FalException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception class ai.fal.client.exception.FalException
FalValidationException - Class in ai.fal.client.exception
FalValidationException(List<FalValidationException.ValidationError>) - Constructor for class ai.fal.client.exception.FalValidationException
FalValidationException.ValidationError - Class in ai.fal.client.exception
fromApiKey(String) - Static method in interface ai.fal.client.CredentialsResolver
fromEnv() - Static method in interface ai.fal.client.CredentialsResolver
fromJson(JsonElement, Class<T>) - Method in class ai.fal.client.http.HttpClient
fromJson(String, Class<T>) - Method in class ai.fal.client.http.HttpClient
fromString(String) - Static method in class ai.fal.client.util.EndpointId


getAppName() - Method in class ai.fal.client.util.EndpointId
getAppOwner() - Method in class ai.fal.client.util.EndpointId
getCancelUrl() - Method in interface ai.fal.client.queue.QueueStatus.StatusUpdate
getCredentials() - Method in class ai.fal.client.ClientConfig
getData() - Method in class ai.fal.client.Output
getHttpMethod() - Method in interface ai.fal.client.ApiOptions
getHttpMethod() - Method in class ai.fal.client.queue.QueueResultOptions
getHttpMethod() - Method in class ai.fal.client.queue.QueueStatusOptions
getHttpMethod() - Method in class ai.fal.client.queue.QueueSubmitOptions
getHttpMethod() - Method in class ai.fal.client.queue.QueueSubscribeOptions
getHttpMethod() - Method in class ai.fal.client.SubscribeOptions
getInput() - Method in interface ai.fal.client.ApiOptions
getLevel() - Method in class ai.fal.client.type.RequestLog
getNamespace() - Method in class ai.fal.client.util.EndpointId
getPath() - Method in class ai.fal.client.util.EndpointId
getProxyUrl() - Method in class ai.fal.client.ClientConfig
getRequestId() - Method in exception class ai.fal.client.exception.FalException
getRequestId() - Method in class ai.fal.client.Output
getRequestId() - Method in interface ai.fal.client.queue.QueueStatus.StatusUpdate
getResponseUrl() - Method in interface ai.fal.client.queue.QueueStatus.StatusUpdate
getResultType() - Method in interface ai.fal.client.ApiOptions
getStatus() - Method in interface ai.fal.client.queue.QueueStatus.StatusUpdate
getStatusUrl() - Method in interface ai.fal.client.queue.QueueStatus.StatusUpdate
getUnderlyingClient() - Method in class ai.fal.client.http.HttpClient


handleResponse(Response, Class<T>) - Method in class ai.fal.client.http.HttpClient
HEADER_TARGET_URL - Static variable in class ai.fal.client.http.ClientProxyInterceptor
HttpClient - Class in ai.fal.client.http
HttpClient(ClientConfig, OkHttpClient) - Constructor for class ai.fal.client.http.HttpClient


IN_PROGRESS - Enum constant in enum class ai.fal.client.queue.QueueStatus.Status
IN_QUEUE - Enum constant in enum class ai.fal.client.queue.QueueStatus.Status
INFO - Enum constant in enum class ai.fal.client.type.RequestLog.Level
InProgress() - Constructor for class ai.fal.client.queue.QueueStatus.InProgress
input() - Static method in class ai.fal.client.JsonInput
InQueue() - Constructor for class ai.fal.client.queue.QueueStatus.InQueue
intercept(Interceptor.Chain) - Method in class ai.fal.client.http.ClientProxyInterceptor
intercept(Interceptor.Chain) - Method in class ai.fal.client.http.CredentialsInterceptor


JsonInput - Class in ai.fal.client


LogLabels() - Constructor for class ai.fal.client.type.RequestLog.LogLabels


Output<T> - Class in ai.fal.client
Represents the output of a request.
Output(T, String) - Constructor for class ai.fal.client.Output


prepareRequest(String, ApiOptions) - Method in class ai.fal.client.http.HttpClient
prepareRequest(String, ApiOptions, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class ai.fal.client.http.HttpClient


queue() - Method in interface ai.fal.client.FalClient
Get the queue client for interacting with the FAL queue.
queue() - Method in class ai.fal.client.FalClientImpl
QueueClient - Interface in ai.fal.client.queue
A client for interacting with the queue endpoints.
QueueClientImpl - Class in ai.fal.client.queue
QueueClientImpl(HttpClient) - Constructor for class ai.fal.client.queue.QueueClientImpl
QueueResultOptions<O> - Class in ai.fal.client.queue
QueueResultOptions() - Constructor for class ai.fal.client.queue.QueueResultOptions
QueueStatus - Interface in ai.fal.client.queue
QueueStatus.BaseStatusUpdate - Class in ai.fal.client.queue
QueueStatus.Completed - Class in ai.fal.client.queue
QueueStatus.InProgress - Class in ai.fal.client.queue
QueueStatus.InQueue - Class in ai.fal.client.queue
QueueStatus.Status - Enum Class in ai.fal.client.queue
QueueStatus.StatusUpdate - Interface in ai.fal.client.queue
QueueStatusOptions - Class in ai.fal.client.queue
QueueStatusOptions() - Constructor for class ai.fal.client.queue.QueueStatusOptions
QueueSubmitOptions - Class in ai.fal.client.queue
QueueSubmitOptions() - Constructor for class ai.fal.client.queue.QueueSubmitOptions
QueueSubscribeOptions - Class in ai.fal.client.queue
QueueSubscribeOptions() - Constructor for class ai.fal.client.queue.QueueSubscribeOptions


requestId - Variable in class ai.fal.client.queue.QueueStatus.BaseStatusUpdate
RequestLog - Class in ai.fal.client.type
RequestLog() - Constructor for class ai.fal.client.type.RequestLog
RequestLog.Level - Enum Class in ai.fal.client.type
RequestLog.LogLabels - Class in ai.fal.client.type
resolveType(JsonObject) - Static method in interface ai.fal.client.queue.QueueStatus
responseToException(Response) - Method in class ai.fal.client.http.HttpClient
responseUrl - Variable in class ai.fal.client.queue.QueueStatus.BaseStatusUpdate
result(String, QueueResultOptions<O>) - Method in interface ai.fal.client.queue.QueueClient
Get the result of a submission.
result(String, QueueResultOptions<O>) - Method in class ai.fal.client.queue.QueueClientImpl
run(String, RunOptions<O>) - Method in interface ai.fal.client.FalClient
Run the specified endpoint with the provided options.
run(String, RunOptions<O>) - Method in class ai.fal.client.FalClientImpl
RunOptions<O> - Class in ai.fal.client
RunOptions() - Constructor for class ai.fal.client.RunOptions


set(String, JsonArray) - Method in class ai.fal.client.JsonInput
set(String, JsonObject) - Method in class ai.fal.client.JsonInput
set(String, Boolean) - Method in class ai.fal.client.JsonInput
set(String, Character) - Method in class ai.fal.client.JsonInput
set(String, Number) - Method in class ai.fal.client.JsonInput
set(String, String) - Method in class ai.fal.client.JsonInput
status - Variable in class ai.fal.client.queue.QueueStatus.BaseStatusUpdate
status(String, QueueStatusOptions) - Method in interface ai.fal.client.queue.QueueClient
Check the status of a submission.
status(String, QueueStatusOptions) - Method in class ai.fal.client.queue.QueueClientImpl
statusUrl - Variable in class ai.fal.client.queue.QueueStatus.BaseStatusUpdate
STDERR - Enum constant in enum class ai.fal.client.type.RequestLog.Level
STDOUT - Enum constant in enum class ai.fal.client.type.RequestLog.Level
submit(String, QueueSubmitOptions) - Method in interface ai.fal.client.queue.QueueClient
Submit a payload to an endpoint's queue.
submit(String, QueueSubmitOptions) - Method in class ai.fal.client.queue.QueueClientImpl
subscribe(String, SubscribeOptions<O>) - Method in interface ai.fal.client.FalClient
Subscribe to the specified endpoint with the provided options.
subscribe(String, SubscribeOptions<O>) - Method in class ai.fal.client.FalClientImpl
SubscribeOptions<O> - Class in ai.fal.client
SubscribeOptions() - Constructor for class ai.fal.client.SubscribeOptions
subscribeToStatus(String, QueueSubscribeOptions) - Method in interface ai.fal.client.queue.QueueClient
Subscribe to the status of a submission.
subscribeToStatus(String, QueueSubscribeOptions) - Method in class ai.fal.client.queue.QueueClientImpl


ValidationError() - Constructor for class ai.fal.client.exception.FalValidationException.ValidationError
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class ai.fal.client.queue.QueueStatus.Status
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class ai.fal.client.type.RequestLog.Level
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum class ai.fal.client.queue.QueueStatus.Status
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class ai.fal.client.type.RequestLog.Level
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.


WARN - Enum constant in enum class ai.fal.client.type.RequestLog.Level
withConfig(ClientConfig) - Static method in interface ai.fal.client.FalClient
Create a new client instance with the provided configuration.
withCredentials(CredentialsResolver) - Method in class ai.fal.client.ClientConfig.Builder
withCredentials(CredentialsResolver) - Static method in class ai.fal.client.ClientConfig
withEnvCredentials() - Static method in interface ai.fal.client.FalClient
Create a new client instance with the credentials resolved from the `FAL_KEY` environment variable.
withInput(Object) - Static method in class ai.fal.client.queue.QueueSubmitOptions
withInput(Object) - Static method in class ai.fal.client.RunOptions
withInput(Object) - Static method in class ai.fal.client.SubscribeOptions
withInput(Object, Class<O>) - Static method in class ai.fal.client.RunOptions
withInput(Object, Class<O>) - Static method in class ai.fal.client.SubscribeOptions
withProxyUrl(String) - Method in class ai.fal.client.ClientConfig.Builder
withProxyUrl(String) - Static method in class ai.fal.client.ClientConfig
withProxyUrl(String) - Static method in interface ai.fal.client.FalClient
Create a new client instance with the provided proxy URL.
withRequestId(String) - Static method in class ai.fal.client.queue.QueueResultOptions
withRequestId(String) - Static method in class ai.fal.client.queue.QueueStatusOptions
wrapInResult(Response, Class<T>) - Method in class ai.fal.client.http.HttpClient
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All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Constant Field Values|Serialized Form